


Handmade Scottish Gifts

Handmade Scottish Gifts

Handmade Scottish Gifts

Scottish Creations | Scotland By Design

Handmade Scottish Gifts


Scottish Creations

Luskentyre in Winter

Luxury Silk Scarves

Scottish Creations

Steeped in Legend and Intrigue

Scottish Chess Sets

Scottish Creations

Authentically Scottish

Silk & Linen Wallace Shawl

Scottish Creations

By Award Winning Scottish Artists

Scottish Art

Welcome to the home of Scottish Creations

A selection of the best designs & gifts from Scotland

If you are interested in any of any of our products and would like to see them up close, we would be very happy to make an appointment to arrange a private showing by video call to answer all your questions. Remember there is free Shipping for all orders over $75.00 (Mainland USA only)

If you are sending a gift, we would be very happy to wrap, and add a hand written tag. Please tick the box and leave a note at the checkout

You can also follow us for all our latest updates & offers

Scottish Creations

Where we will be in 2025

Highland Games

Thank you to you all for coming to visit us at the Highland Games this year, we had a blast and it was so nice to see so many familiar faces! To help you plan for 2025, we will be at the following games

Fair Hill Scottish Games - Saturday May 17th at the Fair Hill Fairgrounds, Fair Hill, MD

Glasgow Lands Scottish Festival - Saturday July 19th at Look Memorial Park, Northampton, MA

Capital District Scottish Games - Saturday August 30th at Atnamont Fairgrounds, Atnamont, NY

New Hampshire Highland Games & Festival - September 19th - 21st at Loon Mountain, NH

Scotland Connecticut Highland Games - Sunday October 12th at Brooklyn Fair, Brooklyn, CT

Latest blog posts

Scottish Creations July Newsletter



What about this weather?
Authentically Scottish


最近のアメリカ東海岸の天気は私たちに故郷を思い出させます。私たちスコットランド人はこの種の天気を「ドライヒ」と呼びます。スコットランド人のちょっとした言葉を愛する人にとって、ドライヒとはじめじめした湿った灰色の天気を意味します。ああ、まあ。上のこの写真は、雨が降った直後のスコットランド東海岸、ファイフに住むイーライのものです...そしておそらく今後さらに増えるでしょう。 例年この時期は雨が...

What does it mean to be Scottish
Authentically Scottish


その暗示的なスコットランドらしさとは何でしょうか? 私たちスコットランド人は、自分たちが世界の自然探検家であり、創造的な発明家であると思いたがります。結局のところ、私たちはスコットランドから移住しており、世界中に住んでおり、特に注目すべきことを行ったスコットランド人や他の人に捧げられた記念碑が最も奇妙な場所に存在しています。 。最近、スコットランド人の夫と私は、カナダのノーブル州フレデリク...

My Wishlist0